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Communication, Consumer electronics, Industrial display, IoT device

Product Brief

EF2 series FPGA products are the second generation of the "ELF" series launched by Anlogic Infotech, involving SoC FPGA products with embedded MCUs.

The products are based on 55 nm low-power technology and feature versatile configurations, high performance, and rich internal resources.

They are positioned in fields such as video capture, industrial control, and communications with far ranging adaptability.

Product Table

Find 13 Results
Device DFFs LUTs DistributeRAM eRAM-9K eRAM-32K eRAM-128k eRAM-256k eRAM-Total M18*18 PLL ADC USER IO Package Methods Package Size
EF2S45VG81C 4480 4480 35k 12 6 1 1 684k 15 1 56 BGA81 4.2*4.2
EF2L15LG100B 1520 1520 12k 6 3 1 1 534k 8 1 2 80 LQFP100 14*14
EF2L15LG144B 1520 1520 12k 6 3 1 1 534k 8 1 2 113 LQFP144 20*20
EF2L45LG144B 4480 4480 35k 12 6 1 1 684k 15 1 2 113 LQFP144 20*20
EF2L45BG256B/H 4480 4480 35k 12 6 1 1 684k 15 1 2 206 FBGA256 17*17
EF2M45LG48B 4480 4480 35k 12 6 1 1 684k 15 1 2 35 LQFP48 9*9
EF2L45UG132 4480 4480 35k 12 6 1 1 684k 15 1 2 104 CSFBGA132 8*8
EF2M45LG144B 4480 4480 35k 12 6 1 1 684k 15 1 2 113 LQFP144 20*20
EF2M45VG81C 4480 4480 35k 12 6 1 1 684k 15 1 1 56 VFBGA81 4.2*4.2
EF2L25BG256B 2520 2520 20k 9 4 1 1 593k 12 1 2 206 FBGA256 17*17
EF2L25AG42P 2520 2520 20k 9 4 1 1 593k 12 1 \ 29 XWFN42 4.2*4.2
EF2L25XG42B 2520 2520 20k 9 4 1 1 593k 12 1 2 29 XWFN42 4.2*4.2
EF2L15BG256B 1520 1520 12k 6 3 1 1 534k 8 1 2 206 FBGA256 17*17
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Product Features

  • Flexible logical structure

    Logic scales from 1500 to 4480 LUTs

  • Built-in flash

    Support fast power-up, no external device required

  • High performance IO

    Support hot-swapping and MIPI HS/LP IO optimization

  • Enhanced security design

    Each chip has a unique 64-bit DNA with AES encryption support for the bit stream

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We have provided TD4.6.4, TD4.6.5, and TD4.6.6 for the development of EF2EF3EG4 series chip solutions, which can be directly downloaded;

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If you have any questions, please contact us by phones:0755-23907781
